September 22nd, 2013 – Novelty Glasses

Sunday:  Eighteen Sunday after Pentecost

Text: Luke 16:1–13


5 thoughts on “September 22nd, 2013 – Novelty Glasses

  1. 9pm on a Saturday night and still no children’s sermon—THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! And thankfully, I have kids at home who own novelty glasses! I will definitely be back to this site!

  2. I regularly check in with what you have come up with each week. This even more than most weeks fed my “adult” sermon prep. A tough text to be sure, but perhaps it is a reflection of the fact that Jesus knows we have to negotiate the vagaries of the world we live in. And within that, even if it initially be self-serving, it is better to use money to build relationships rather than tear them down and isolate ourselves. Perhaps the thing we struggle with in this is that it is a “baby steps” lesson. Seems to tie well to Jesus promise of the paraclete and that there are things the disciples are not yet ready to hear/know. But aside from exegetical musings, I mostly want to say “thank you” for your ministry. I’m sure there are many like me who take inspiration from your work, but haven’t yet taken the time to let you know.

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