This Sunday – May 12th, 2024

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Sunday: Seventh Sunday of Easter

Revised Common Lectionary – Year B

Text: John 17:6-19

Dollar Store Item: A conversation that happens right outside the room (maybe behind the kids). Cups and String. Plant Fertilizer sticks. “Stage Whisper” and how my Mom would hear me and my brothers. This prayer is a Stage Whisper to God that everyone hears.

The Take Away: Like a conversation happening in another room, Jesus prays for his disciples, and friends, which includes you and me. Psalm 1 – we are fed by the Word of God.


Narrative Lectionary

Text: John 17:6-19

Dollar Store Item: Name Tags

The Take Away: Jesus knows us, and Jesus shows us God, our parent. (Tie into Mother’s Day, and those who are motherly, if so desired.).


71 thoughts on “This Sunday – May 12th, 2024

  1. Thank you. I tried the cut and restore magic trick and it worked beautifully. One question: how long will the rubber cement and cornstarch last? Can I prepare the newspaper days ahead of time or do I need to do it Sunday morning before worship? Blessings on your ministry!

  2. Thank you for your encouragement -words that I have needed to hear today. We are heading back to online services this weekend, for the month of March, as we in New Zealand face the Omicron surge. I am grateful for high vaccination rates here, but it is exhausting leading a parish through these anxious times. Your words were a balm.

  3. Congratulations on your 22nd Ordination Anniversary!
    Thank you for this wonderful ministry. Sometimes you offer great springboards for the adult sermon as well!

  4. Dear John:

    I want to thank you for your wonderful ministry. Today’s message with sailing, house, plane, rocket, and cross was terrific! said it actually made them think how Christ is with them each moment of the day. Praise be to God for your child-like spirit, wisdom and heart. May God continue to bless you in all you do.
    Blessings, Pastor Mary Drake, Bellevue Heights UMC, Syracuse, NY

    • John, allow me to second this. I’m not an artsy-craftsy guy, so I practiced this one a couple of times before trying it during the worship service. We’re doing a hybrid model, and my 8-year-old granddaughter joins us on Zoom from 75 miles a way. We also project onto the front wall the same signal that goes out over Zoom and Facebook Live. When I opened the paper to reveal the cross, my granddaughter said, “Wow!” and there was an audible gasp from the in-person congregation. More than one person commented on how powerful the message of the children’s sermon was. Thank you again for the important work you’re doing, John.

  5. Brother John! Your ministry has greatly let me see Gods kingdom in a new way. My “junk drawer” is now a “children’s ministry” drawer, along with any nicknack I may see anywhere I shop. This once pile of junk that God has transformed, is now transforming other junk into positive messaging.
    Your ministry is improving mine and my message, and I thank you sir!
    Praise the Lord!

  6. Thank you! I loved this so much. I think I might use it more for my sermon, but it got me thinking in a lot of different directions. You are great!

  7. John, I just want to say THANK YOU – not only for your “springboard” ideas, but also for the encouraging words you have been offering to all of us lately! The times are challenging and sometimes overwhelming. But I have been uplifted as I listen to your ideas – and what you have to say to those of us in the “trenches” each week! You are a blessing!

  8. Hi John, thank you for your continued work with children’s messages. One of my singers is bringing their child today so I might get to do a children’s message. I quickly tuned into your video, as I have done long long ago pre-Covid. I hope you are doing well. Thank you also for the encouraging message at the end. It was appreciated and needed. 🙂 Pastor Susan in Camas

  9. Dear Brother in Christ, I watched your children’s sermon where you were wearing a shirt with pineapples on it, while searching for pineapples. Now I can’ t seem to locate it! Can you help me? I was gonna use it tomorrow. Thanks, Sister in Christ, Jane

  10. Hi John, I just watched your videos for both the Common and Narrative Lectionaries for this Sunday, June 14. You sound like you’re having a bit of a tough time. I want you to know what a blessing you are to so many of us, and that I am praying for you.

    • Thank you! I didn’t realize that was coming through. I think I’m feeling it at my core, and sensing it also from others, too. I appreciate your prayers, and kind words.

      • John! Thank you for preaching to this big kid. I like the reference to Judas being sent out. . With my sinful past, why would Jesus want me to go forth? But it is my testimony now that speaks of his love and greatfullness! One thing now, I don’t plan on betraying him.
        Blessings to you John.

  11. Hi John,
    I’m feeling rather down and unmotivated this morning. Your blessing to go out with joy was just what I needed to hear. May you and your ministry likewise be filled with joy and purpose.
    Mark Ballard
    Rochester, NY

  12. Hi John,

    After 15 years of children’s sermons, I’d reached a point I was struggling to remain creative, and many weeks just skipped it because I couldn’t come up with an idea that wasn’t just a moral lesson. Then in September another pastor at a synod event mentioned she used your site. I am SO glad to have discovered your wonderful ministry! You’ve reinvigorated my joy in doing children sermons and I know my congregation appreciates it and I’m pretty sure my own 4 children do too! Thanks much and keep up the fantastic work!


    Ellsworth, WI

  13. John! Great name by the way!
    I really enjoy the simplistic approach to childrens ministry. How fascinated we could be at that age to just sit and study a bug or clouds or, a shoestring, and be so enthralled in it. Such is this ministry approach.
    I will adapt to our message this Sunday as we broadcast our Sunday service to our congregation, all in pajamas most likely.
    I can still get silly at 62, and can’t wait to give the message. I’ve got the knot down.
    Thank you so much!
    James Malac

  14. I can’t tell you how many times I have used your kids sermons for our Children’s Moment. As a First Christian Church pastor’s wife, I feel extra pressure to deliver a good children’s message when it’s my turn. Now during the pandemic, I thought your “The Monster At The End Of This Book” was a timely way to share an Easter message during our Facebook Live, Easter service. Thank for all you do! You are very inspirational! Peace & Blessings

  15. Thank you for giving me such wonderful ideas each week. Your gift of making the Bible and all its glory accessible to God’s children (and adults, too!) is truly a blessing.

  16. I like the pendulum idea. I am thinking of using a balancing scale. People’s sins on one side and God’s compassion for the people (heavier weight) on the other side. God’s love and compassion outwieghs what we deserve for our sins.

  17. I adore your site! I am asked to do children’s sermons from time to time and they are a wonderful reference! Much more than that, I am asked to fill in for pastors services at our local Nursing Home. Many residents can not follow a homily or sermon. These ideas have been such a hit with seniors! They are attentive and remember because of the visuals. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. In Christ’s name, Amen!

  18. Dear John,
    The minute I hear I “get’ to do the Children’s Sermon for our church service…your web site is the first place I go to. Thank you so much for your happy, creative ideas… for sometimes my heart isn’t excited to work on the Children’s Sermon and you always help me discover the joy and honor of talking with the children in our congregation! My deepest thanks!!!

  19. Thanks for making me part of your blessing this year , there are much and much i receive through the messages . God bless you and the Christian Famlies with you.

  20. I’m so glad to find your site! I needed some inspiration to bring Palm Sunday to a very very young audience. This is just exactly what I needed to hear and think about. Thank You!

    • Thank you, Pastor! I often checks these out to lead the children’s message Sunday mornings. You are a blessing and an inspiration! Don’t stop!

      Pastor Joy
      Community United Church
      Erie, PA

    • Mary,

      Thanks for the question. The search function is something I am still trying to figure out. Need to do more reading on Tagging posts, and the like.

      For now, the best way I have found to search is to put what you are looking for in quotes, which searches for the entire text. Another option is to look at the lectionary page here: and find the Sunday that possibly has the text, and search for that Sunday in quotes: “First Sunday in Lent” to see if that brings it up.

      A better search function would make the site more user friendly, and you are not the first to ask… so after Easter (my timeline for everything), I should look.

      What text/scripture are you looking for? I might be able to help.


  21. Happy, Happy Birthday on the 22nd. May God continue to use you and bless you – as you bless others with this important ministry. Make sure you celebrate immediately!

  22. I enjoy your insights and the inspirations they give me. The ideas I have used from here have been very well received. I love your star sticker idea and the God Positioning Star! Thank you for all you share and the work you put into this, it is an invaluable resource to me in my ministry.

  23. I just found your blog and I love the videos and the ideas! I teach in our Parish School on Sunday’s at a Catholic Church in California and sometimes I am at a loss as to what to do with my 4th graders, you have inspired me! Thank you so much

    Many blessings

  24. Pingback: 11th Hour Preacher Party: 5 weeks down, 1 to go – RevGalBlogPals

  25. Any way to send a donation with a credit card? I don’t have paypal. I’m the minister at trinity United church in collingwood Ontario Canada. Love your work!

  26. Oh, my goodness. Thank you! You pulled my calf out of the fire. I couldn’t get a hold on Exodus 32 with the children, and you’ve struck just the right note. Buzz Lightyear or not.

  27. Always great ideas from this site! This is my go to spot for children sermon ideas! I’m a lay leader and many times have referred to these posts for ideas! Thank you!

  28. Pr. John,
    Thanks for this great, no-prop take on witnessing! This will work quite well, especially because I will be presiding at an infant Baptism this Sunday and can use this to link things together. The kids can be “witnesses” of what happens.

  29. Children’s messages are very important. Thank you for your time and effort with your videos. I tweek your messages to fit my children’s group, and they all love them so much. Thanking God for your life, and continue to be a maker of disciples for Christ. To God be the Glory!

  30. I’m a music director at an Episcopal Church and there are times when I get to lead the children during the service – something I love to do!

    I really enjoy your Dollar Store ideas. There is much inspiration here. Thank you so much for posting these online.

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